saspac, 2011 Census, data, GLA, London, ONS
  SASPAC eNews
August 2014

Below is a brief summary of SASPAC and Census activity for this month.

To follow SASPAC's development and keep up to date with other 2011 Census/SASPAC news we recommend registering your email address at to receive automatic updates in your inbox. You can also follow us on Twitter. Previous editions of eNews are available from the archive.

ONS corrections

ONS recently discovered a production error that occurred in table WD1101EW. This caused the Workday Populations for eight output areas to be incorrect, with some cells containing inconsistent counts for age or sex categories that did not sum up to the population.

The output areas which were affected are:
E00015045, E00023289, E00049002,
E00159643, E00172150, E00170915,
E00172167, E00174876

However we have now corrected our system files within SASPAC as well as updated the Workday tables for MSOAs in England and OA in West Midlands and London.
To locate and download the new system files please just click here.

Census training

Please contact the helpdesk at if you are interested in attending one of the SASPAC/Census training courses which will be taking place in Scotland.

Recently we have had received lots of requests from users who really want to make the most from the 2011 Census, so we are now making this happen. We welcome all ability users be it from people who are completely new to the software and to those who are just interested in getting a refresher and making the most of the data available.

For details of what you would cover in one of our courses/training days please just take a look on our training page. We hope to see you soon!


Census flow data UPDATE

The 2011 Origin Destination datasets safeguarded tables are now expected to be released via the UK Data Service which will be available in September.

We have been working with ONS to make these tables become available to download, which means users will be able to download the data from the UKDS and access these tables on their own desktops.

The SASPAC team will be releasing the integrating OD public tables to our users as soon as possible however there are currently some potential issues with the data, so until we are fully confident nothing will be released. However please keep a look out on our blogs and tweets for future information about this.

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SASPAC is a not for profit initiative owned by the Local Government Association and managed by the Greater London Authority
020 7983 4348
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