saspac, 2011 Census, data, GLA, London, ONS
  SASPAC eNews
February 2014

Below is a brief summary of SASPAC and Census activity for this month.

To follow SASPAC developments and keep up to date with 2011 Census news we recommend registering your email address at to receive automatic updates in your inbox. You can also follow us on Twitter. Previous editions of eNews are available from our archive.

Latest data release

On 26 February ONS released more Local Characteristic tables: 4.5a on the Labour Market and 4.5b on Qualifications.

On 27 February NRS also published Scottish release 3a which includes
10 new Detailed Characteristic tables - the table layouts can be seen here.

Both of these sets of tables are currently being processed by the SASPAC team and will be available to users shortly. 28/2/14

Armed Forces population data Census
ONS' currently intend for the 2011 Census Armed Forces tables to be produced at regional level. If you require data for more detailed geographies we would encourage you to contact ONS ASAP. 6/2/14

New Members

This month at SASPAC we have welcomed South Ayrshire Council and Renfrewshire Council to the SASPAC scheme.

If you are also interested in joining the SASPAC user community and want to take full advantage of the 2011 Census datasets, or would just like some more information please contact our helpdesk and feel free to read our user comments. 7/2/14

SASPAC v9.85 Update

v9.85 of the software is now available to members and includes:

-access to all Key and Quick statistics tables for Scotland
- 59 Local Characteristics tables for England and Wales
- 2 Detailed Characteristics

All the SASPAC system files are downloadable from our data page and software update files/instructions can be found here. 3/2/14

MORE training dates added!

Due to the training days being such a success we have now made more training dates available. They will be taking place in, London, Titchfield and Falkirk.

There are still places available so please check out our training page for more information. These courses are excellent for either beginners or just for refreshers. 18/2/14

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SASPAC is a not for profit initiative owned by the Local Government Association and managed by the Greater London Authority
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